Libri / Fantascienza e Fantasy / Angels and Nightmares
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Angels and Nightmares

Laura Gagliardi

Cindy and Sharon are bestfriends. They live their regular teen lives, until one of the two finds out she has been living a lie throughout her whole life. We will see how friendship, family, and love can, sometimes, be everything you need.

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Libro: Bianco & Nero
Formato: 14,8 x 21 (A5)
Copertina: Morbida
Pagine: 145
Categoria: Fantascienza e Fantasy
Editor: Photocity Edizioni
Lingua: Inglese
ISBN: 978-88-6682-139-7


foto autore Laura Gagliardi
Laura Gagliardi è nata in provincia di Udine nel 1985. Inizia la scuola a 5 anni e fin da piccola i suoi interessi principali sono stati la lettura, la scrittura di infiniti diari, la musica e l'inglese. Ecco perché troviamo qui la sua opera in lingua straniera , anche se non mancano produzioni nella lingua madre che attendono di prendere forma cartacea, e non solo virtuale, al più presto. Il suo percorso scolastico ha sempre visto come filo conduttore le lingue straniere e le materie artistico-letterarie. E' specializzata in Lingue e Letterature Euro Americane Postcoloniali alla Ca' Foscari di Venezia con una tesi sul drammaturgo statunitense August Wilson intitolata "Ma Rainey's Black Bottom: The Musical Soul of Afro-American Women in August Wilson's Plays". Ha di recente ottenuto un Certificato Internazionale in Psicologia al Mount Holyoke College, nel Massachusetts, USA, che l'ha vista anche impegnarsi come Teaching Assistant presso il Dipartimento di Italianistica per un anno accademico. Mentre sogna di poter girare il mondo e conoscere nuove culture per poter parlare di esse nei suoi "diari di bordo", mette nero su bianco i suoi pensieri in forma di poesie, canzoni e brevi racconti.


1 Stralci

Chapter 0

Dear Diary, lately, I was thinking that there are some days in your life you feel weak and you don’t know why. Sometimes you would like to cry, but only to let yourself go. It starts when you have to make some choices so you start hating rules and you would like to change the world, but you feel like a seed of sand, extremely small and useless. Somehow, you think that, once, someone told you that every single pip is necessary to create a desert, and for a few minutes you think that’s right. But after this short interval of time, the huge, hazy veil stands still by your side. Someone calls that ”pessimism”…I better used to call it “reality”. When you feel like you don’t belong to this world you start thinking and thinking again, because some questions grow inside your mind and it’s like crawling in a place where everyone slides, and there’s only you, all by yourself, trying to get free. When you think about men, and then humans, and then earth, and then universe, sun, rotation, gravity, black holes, stars…and the whole firmament, you would like to die. It’s all so big for you, untouchable, incomprehensible. So, what’s death? And soul? When you die where will you go? Your soul…Does it exist? Maybe not? It’s like a table game: no-one knows who’s going to win until you reach the end. I hate these “no-answer questions”! Someone tells you that only one God exists, and he is the owner of everything in the universe. You would like to strangle this “someone” because you do not accept the fact you’re not free to manage your life as you want. They say god gave us free will so why are there people telling you what to do and what not, still? It’s all so irritating!

(Rif. Pagina 6)


1 Commento presente. Media voto 5/5

Rossella 12/04/2012

The evaluation given by the few readers has been positive for most part, although the note "colloquial writing by choice" had to be printed afterwards to clarify it was not a low level of linguistic rules knowledge that caused the colloquial language shaping the whole story. The plot is fluid and it has gotten kudos and positive comments for the imagination and the ability on describing the scenes. On the whole, it`s easily readable by anyone, also by those who just started learning English, we think. E` stato valutato positivamente nonostante si sia dovuta aggiungere la postilla: colloquial writing by choice perché non venisse confuso il linguaggio colloquiale con bassa conoscenza delle regole linguistiche. La trama scorre ed è stato lodato per la fantasia e la descrizione delle scene. Nel complesso soddisfacente per una scrittrice alle prime armi che ha rispolverato uno scritto da liceale apportando qualche modifica. <a href="" target="_blank"></a> 

Voto: 5/5